Success StoryLet's Take A Hike with KEHA
Let's Take A Hike with KEHA
Author: Denise Wooley
Planning Unit: Graves County CES
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Plan of Work: Developing Youth and Adult Leaders in the Community
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association (KEHA) is a volunteer organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for families and communities through education, leadership development, and volunteer service. The year 2023 marks 91 years since the organization was formed to focus on these tenets. In order to embrace this rich history, KEHA focused this year’s resource materials, with special emphasis on use for officer and leadership training sessions, on the theme of “Let's Take A Hike with KEHA” for the 2023-2024 KEHA year.
The Graves County Extension homemaker county & club officers and educational chairman took part in the offered KEHA training using the “Let's Take A Hike with KEHA” theme at the start of the homemaker year. Participants were asked to complete an evaluation following the class. Of the respondents,
91% indicated they learned the KEHA programming emphases for 2023-24
83% understand results for KEHA 21-22 reports
91% had increased confidence with KEHA membership campaigns and incentives
91% learned important dates during the KEHA year
91% indicated they plan to share the information from the training session with the members of their club
91.6% plan to use what they learned to fulfill a leadership role in their club, county, or area in 2023-24
There are currently three traditional homemaker clubs and two specialty clubs. There have been efforts made to begin a fourth traditional club for young and working moms. We hope this club will form this homemaker year.
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