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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Success StoryThriving 4-H livestock projects

Thriving 4-H livestock projects

Author: Diane Kelley

Planning Unit: Kenton County CES

Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources

Plan of Work: 2023 Agriculture and Horticulture Economic Support Programs

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

The U.K., Cooperative Extension Service, Kenton County 4-H livestock volunteers, plan and facilitate youth livestock education and activities.  In conjunction with the Kenton County Fair Livestock committee the groups indicated prior also plan and execute the youth livestock shows hosted during the Kenton County Fair.  4-H livestock projects involve raising and caring for live animals while learning about animal health, nutrition, breeding, selection and marketing. Animal projects offer opportunities for individuals to gain experience in decision making, record keeping, communications, responsibility, and leadership. 

Reviewing the educational program evaluations from the 2022-2023 project season leads to the reasons why youth members return and participate.   4-H projects and programs develop a sense of belonging, capitalize on an interest, develop relationships, and provide engagement.  Reviewing the evaluations from educational programs highlighted all 4 of the developmental contexts of a 4-H program.  Statements from 10 youth directly identified individuals and volunteers, and that they enjoyed “being with my friends to do something I love”. 

The written evaluations provided evidence of youth thriving, when asked about their favorite activity 9 youth identified a game played with a certified livestock volunteer.  5 youth identified working with adult and youth volunteers – therefore 14 youth members wrote that they had positive emotions and a prosocial orientation about the educational time offered.  5 additional youth noted their favorite activity with the terms “making”, “learning” and “watching” providing evidence of discovery.  

Evaluations also reflected that Developmental Outcomes were achieved, youth members wrote in response to the question – one thing that made me smile today, “when I got an answer correct” & “working on my ham speech” (positive academic attitude); another shared that “helping the younger members” & helping the nervous young 4-H’ers with their buyer speeches” (connection with others). 

The Kenton County 4-H livestock program provides the opportunity to lead youth to long term outcomes.  Previous statements have indicated multiple former participants now serving as active volunteers who have directly identified youth livestock as a source of their academic and vocational success, employability, and provided a means for their post-secondary education promoting economic stability.   Livestock projects provide an opportunity for families to work together as well.  Of the 37 youth in the 2023 livestock auction – 17 had direct adult relatives who also participated in the livestock program as a youth member.  The percentage provides a marker to measure happiness and wellbeing based on the original basis of a spark, relationships, belonging, and engagement. 

Reference: Helping Youth Thrive model

The problem

The educational program response

The participants/target audience

Other partners (if applicable)

Program impact or participant response.

Stories by Diane Kelley

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Demonstrated achievement, communcation, and leadership

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Stories by Kenton County CES

Demonstrated achievement, communcation, and leadership

Demonstrated achievement, communcation, and leadership

about 2 months ago by Diane Kelley

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4-H Middle School Health with former 4-H member

about 5 months ago by Diane Kelley

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