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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024



Author: Lloyd Saylor

Planning Unit: Butler County CES

Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology

Plan of Work: 4-H Youth Development

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

The problem

As adults we see the world as large and complicated.  We've had experiences, traveled, lived.  Our youth often only see the world around them. While the world of electronic screens is not seen as real. Classes in school, in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, are just that "Classes" to many youth. The practical use of, and the opportunities incumbent in these areas of study are not yet real to many 4-Hers. How to teach youth the very practical uses of STEAM/STEM/SET knowledge?

The educational program response

4-H Aerospace Camp utilizing the 4-H Aerospace Curriculum is one response. We create interesting, fun applications using the 4-H Aerospace Curriculum. We included, Principles of flight: Lift, Drag, Thrust, Weight as well as weather, physics, rocketry, glider building etc. The Bernoulli Principle, Newton's First and Third Laws. All with an emphasis on how to apply these principles.

Additionally we had a class with mini EV tractors, and a Tractor Pull Competition. These youth learned, what a "moment" in physics is, energy budgeting, gearing, and traction principles. An additional topic was careers. introducing youth to potential careers is a major goal.  Finally we let the youth apply these principles. We had each youth take a "Discovery" flight with a Certified Flight Instructor. The youth get to actually fly the plane, with a little back up.

The participants/target audience

This program was aimed at Middle and High Schoolers.

Other partners (if applicable)

We worked with Madisonville Regional Air port for facilities, Torey Earle our 4-H SET specialist, Tim Stombaugh from Ag. Engineering, Wilson's Flying service, 9 Certified Flight Instructors, 4 adult volunteers, and and the  owners of 6 Cessna 150's, and 2 Cessna 172's who were kind enough to loan us aircraft.

Program impact or participant response.

We have conducted this camp 13 times over the last 16 years (we missed the COVID years).  The impact has been phenomenal Every youth has rated the overall program as excellent. As well as the individual Classes, principles of flight, gliders, rockets, EV vehicles.  But more importantly the youth that have participated report that it as a reason to stay in 4-H. A highlight experience. Additionally several youth have not only gone on with improved knowledge of practical application of science. Several have attended EKU, MTSU, Embry Riddle or other Aviation/Aerospace university level programs and started careers in the industry. Some current 4-H Teens have gotten their Drone license. Several of the instructors and committee members are 4-H Alumni. some of them discovered aerospace as an opportunity at this camp in the past. One past participant, who flies for Frontier Airlines, was getting married on this date and couldn't come, but he sent two scholarships for new kids to gain the experience.

This program shows not just short term excellent ratings, but long term impact on lives of youth that apply science in a variety of ways, as well as those specifically in the aviation/aerospace industry.

Stories by Lloyd Saylor

Teen Conference and State officer

about 8 months ago by Lloyd Saylor

Teen Conference 2024Success StoryThe 100th Annual Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference took place at the Uni... Read More

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Communications. All human interactions require communications. 4-H places a high priority on communi... Read More

Stories by Butler County CES

Teen Conference and State officer

about 8 months ago by Lloyd Saylor

Teen Conference 2024Success StoryThe 100th Annual Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference took place at the Uni... Read More

Communication life skills

about 8 months ago by Lloyd Saylor

Communications. All human interactions require communications. 4-H places a high priority on communi... Read More

Stories by Science, Engineering, and Technology

2024 Spring Project Day “Exploring the Deep Sea”

2024 Spring Project Day “Exploring the Deep Sea”

about 8 months ago by Lydia Gosney

Success Story: 2024 Spring Project Day “Exploring the Deep Sea”The Problem Our 4-H Programs were exp... Read More

Science is Magic and Educational

Science is Magic and Educational

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Teaching children to follow directions sometimes is a chore, but when you use science activities, th... Read More