Success StoryEdmonson County Fair Makes History
Edmonson County Fair Makes History
Author: Bridgett Poteet
Planning Unit: Edmonson County CES
Major Program: Civic Engagement
Plan of Work: 4-H Youth Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Edmonson County 4-H for the first time in county's history, had 4-H events during the county fair. The Edmonson County fair is unique in that it occurs a couple weeks after the state fair when the new 4-H year is beginning. This year, one of my goals as well as the 4-H council was to get 4-H contests and events during this year's county fair. I joined the Lions Club and the Fair Board as the 4-H representative to advocate for these events. What started out as a BBQ contest and a Pet Show grew to 7 contests, pony rides provided by the 4-H horse club, entries in the fair's poultry show hosted by the Green River Poultry Association, parade participation, and projects entered into the exhibit barn. The amount of support received from the community was tremendous. For our youth and volunteers to participate and gain entry into the fair, the carnival company still required their half of admission while the Lion's Club waived their half of admission. Community members and businesses sponsored the cost so that all of our youth regardless of socioeconomic status or lack of funding, had one less hurdle to being a part of this inaugural event. Each contest's premiums were sponsored by one or multiple individuals or businesses as well as many community members volunteered as judges for events. Partnerships between multiple businesses, The Edmonson County Lion's Club, Edmonson County Saddle Club, and Homemakers helped to make this a truly memorable week for our small county. The week's events were tremendous and here are some stats from that week:
Exhibit Barn, Seven 4-H Contests, Horse Show, and Pony Rides
180 total Exhibit entries
130 horse show class entries
123 total participants
55 total volunteers
Grand Champion-3
Reserve Grand Champion-2
Purple Ribbons-15
Blue Ribbons-209
Red Ribbons-25
Civics Category Parade Winner
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