Success StoryMiddle School Clubs
Middle School Clubs
Author: Trever Cole
Planning Unit: Mason County CES
Major Program: 21st Century Skills (Career & Workplace Development)
Plan of Work: Youth Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The problem- Youth not being introduced to parliamentary procedure or not understanding its processes.
The educational program response- 4-H clubs were established in both 7th and 8th grade classes, where each club elected officers then used parliamentary procedure to nominate club names learning to make a motion and second the motion in the process.
The participants/target audience- the program was targeted at middle school age youth
Other partners (if applicable)
Program impact or participant response.- with the start of the new school year the 7th graders from last year remembered many of the procedures used in running a meeting and expanded on that knowledge by using parliamentary procedure to yet again elect officers and a club name, as well as put together ingredients in a trail mix. This expanded on learning to make a motion as well as facilitating discussion in a meeting setting.
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