Success Story4-H Kicking Off the New Year
4-H Kicking Off the New Year
Author: Paula Tarry
Planning Unit: Barren County CES
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership – 4-H Youth Development
Plan of Work: 4-H and Youth Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The 4-H Thriving Model is the theory of change for positive youth development in 4-H. The model illustrates the process of positive youth development in 4-H programs by connecting high quality program settings to the promotion of youth thriving. The skills that the 4-H program offers include but are not limited to self-esteem, making friends, responsibility, communication, citizenship, leadership, record keeping, time management, confidence, independence, resilience, commitment and compassion—all learned through stages and development via experiences instead of just instruction according to the PLWG Standing Committee on Positive Youth Development. Parents and caretakers are looking for ways for their children to "thrive" in our current environment after Covid.
The Barren County 4-H Council decided to continue for the second year with the 4-H Kick-Off Carnival as a great way to connect with parents, students and the community. Flyers, explaining about 4-H Clubs, time and location of the event were sent to Barren County youth in Kindergarten through 8th grade. (Glasgow Schools were delayed in starting school due to construction; therefore flyers could not be sent home with students) Electronic billboards were used to advertise. Notices were sent to the newspaper, radio stations, cable TV stations, school announcements and social media.
The 250 people lined up from the front door to the street to visit each of the twenty-four 4-H booths representing community, county and project 4-H clubs and programs. They registered to get additional information about the 4-H club meetings. The attendees also had a 4-H Carnival pass to get signed at each booth that made them eligible for door prizes and refreshments. When the clubs met letters were sent to everyone who requested information and the response was overwhelming as many new and continuing members have enrolled in clubs and programs.
The 4-H Kick-Off Carnival has provided new 4-H volunteers, leaders and marketing opportunities for the Barren County 4-H Program. Plans are underway for the 2024 4-H Kick-Off Carnival!!!
Stories by Paula Tarry
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Stories by Barren County CES
Wearing the Ionic Green Jacket
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Stories by Community Vitality and Leadership – 4-H Youth Development

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