Success StoryGreenhouse to Table

Greenhouse to Table

Author: Samantha Gamblin

Planning Unit: Bullitt County CES

Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources

Plan of Work: Natural Resources and the Environment

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

The problem/The educational program response

Educate youth of the steps involved in getting food from a farm to a table through our greenhouse

Instruct youth that farming teaches them life skills like raising food, working hard, communication, caring for others

Help low-income youth gain access to nutritious fruits and vegetables. Help lower food insecurity by increasing access to this garden and learning how to do it for themselves. 

The participants/target audience

Youth in grades 4th and 5th who have Agriculture interest is who is currently been recruited and marketed 

Crossroads Elementary is a free and reduce lunch audience

21st Century Coordinator, Josh Williams identifies low- income families to participate in the program.

FRYSC Coordinator identifies families that could benefit from parent involvement to assist with greenhouse coordination. 

Out of 753 ranked schools in Kentucky, Crossroads Elementary School is ranked 206th for total students on lunch assistance. The percentage of Crossroads Elementary School students on free and reduced lunch assistance (62.1%) is slightly lower than the state average of 62.2%.

Other partners 

Grades 4th and 5th 

Farmers Market

School Teachers/Family Resource Contact

FFA Chapters

Ag, FCS and Horticulture Agents

21st Century Coordinator 


Program impact or participant response.

 100% Garden Safely- caring for yourself and your tools while gardening

 92% Seed Knowledege

 95%Garden soil preparation

 91%Weeding,, watering, mulching

 100% Harvesting the garden

15 Number of youth who demonstrated a skill that was learned or improved by participating in 4-H agriculture programming

15 Number of youth who gained an understanding of the role of agriculture in the production of food 

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