Success StorySuper Star Chef
Super Star Chef
Author: Lora Stewart
Planning Unit: Gallatin County CES
Major Program: Health
Plan of Work: Healthy Lifestyles
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Gallatin County 4-H offered the SuperStar Chef Camp program for 15 students. Four volunteers worked with students in a hands-on educational setting to teach important life skills. A pre-test/post test evaluation was conducted to determine learning outcomes. Several children, after participating in this program, has made several of the recipes.
As a result of the program, students gained the following knowledge and skills:
50% recognized foods that are part of the protein group.
70% identified the right way to hold a knife.
70% identified the right way to guide a food when using a knife.
80% identified how germs get transferred to food.
100% understood how to read a nutrition label.
100% identified how many minutes a day they should physically active to stay healthy.
Following the program , students also gained confidence in their food preparation skills:
100% either agree or strongly agree that they can make a meal with fruits.
100% either agree or strongly agree that they can make a meal with vegetables.
90% strongly agree that they can use a handheld can opener.
In addition, as a result of attending the SuperStar Chef Camp program, students plan to make the following behavior changes:
40% plan to eat more vegetables.
60% plan to be more physically active.
Feedback was collected from partners and volunteers. According to one parent, they had to stop at the grocery store immediately following camp to get the ingredients to make several different recipes. Another said they started making breakfast for the family because of this program.
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