Success StoryThriving Cloverbud Club

Thriving Cloverbud Club

Author: Erica Spurgeon

Planning Unit: Pulaski County CES

Major Program: Health

Plan of Work: Wellness & Healthy Communities-NEW

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

Within the Kentucky 4-H program, most clubs and activities become available to youth at age nine. By this age most children have already developed interests and extracurricular involvement. This is why engaging with youth from ages five to eight is so important. 

Pulaski County has a thriving Cloverbud Club where youth ages five to eight can explore what 4-H has to offer. The Cloverbud Club boasts 40 members who attend meetings monthly or attend special outings and day camps. Agent Erica Spurgeon provides programming that gives Cloverbud participants a preview of all that Kentucky 4-H has to offer. Cloverbuds have a chance to participate in activities that promote agriculture, expressive arts, health, natural resources, STEM, and much more. 

In 2023, Cloverbuds were able to have monthly meetings, holiday gatherings, field trips, and project days. The club also brought parents into the 4-H program and several expressed interest in becoming volunteers. 

The Pulaski County Cloverbud Club has also provided many leadership experiences for teen 4-Hers. The Pulaski County Teen Ambassador Club taught many lessons and helped conduct Cloverbud Day Camp in 2023. 

Having a thriving Cloverbud club ensures the future of a county 4-H program. Cloverbuds who become involved are eager to continue their lives as 4-Hers. 

Pulaski County Cloverbud Club Visit to Shaker Village 2023

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