Author: Candice Hollingsworth
Planning Unit: Shelby County CES
Major Program: Agriculture
Plan of Work: Livestock Production & Profitability
Outcome: Initial Outcome
With a decrease in participation of the 4-H Horse Program being seen across the state. The need to provide equine educational opportunities is evident in the attempt to gain participation and manage retention.
The C5/C6 Area offered a horse clinic featuring three disciplines that included showmanship, English equitation and ranch horsemanship. 12 4-Hers from various counties registered for the event and brought their horses for a hands-on learning opportunity. They worked closely with a professional trainer on the disciplines listed above. Several parents noted that they would like to see more of these types of clinics available to their counties. The clinic was viewed as a success based on verbal feedback from the day and evident by each rider’s individual improvement.
When youth attend these events they are not only gaining the education and guidance they need to improve their horses and themselves. They are making an investment in their future. This clinics can also provide youth with the opportunity to gain confidence in themselves and their abilities.
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