Success Story4-H Military Partnerships Grant 2023
4-H Military Partnerships Grant 2023
Author: Tyrone Atkinson
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Family Development General
Outcome: Initial Outcome
January 2023 began a new chapter for the 4-H Military Partnerships Grant. The state of Kentucky houses two Army bases in Fort Knox and Fort Campbell, and in the past, the 4-H MP Grant has helped to provide 4-H clubs and youth development programming on post for youth, teens, and families. The grant had dissolved before the pandemic in 2018, and there has not been an active grant since. In the fall of 2022, a call for proposals came out, and through the collaboration partnership of Family and Consumer Sciences and 4-H, an application was submitted.
KY was awarded a grant for $10,600 to serve youth, teens, and families at Fort Knox. We did not include Fort Campbell in the current round of funding because of limited networking time, but the plan is to have the base in the conversation for future funding.
The grant programming timeframe was from Jan 1-August 31, 2023. In February, professional development for CYS (Children and Youth Services) helped with learning to understand and use the 4-H curriculum. After the training, the Devers Middle School and Teen Center and the Donna Kirby School Age Center in February to May both facilitated 4-H Clubs for youth and teens that included Sports, Cooking, Garden, Photography, and Arts and Crafts clubs.
The hope is that after August 2023, we can ask for another round of funding for both bases!
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