Success Story4-H Beekeeping Club
4-H Beekeeping Club
Author: MacKenzie Preece
Planning Unit: Franklin County CES
Major Program: Natural Resources
Plan of Work: Strengthening Knowledge and Awareness of Agriculture and Horticulture in Franklin County
Outcome: Initial Outcome
This past year the Franklin County 4-H collaborated with the Capital City Beekeepers Association to start a 4-H Youth Beekeeping and Bee Ambassadors Program. The 4-H Bee Ambassador Program addresses key concepts related to bees, pollination, beekeeping, and honey. Horticulture and 4-H agents, and Beekeeping Association volunteer leaders incorporated lessons and activities related to bees and honey, pollinators and native ecosystems in a series of monthly meetings with hands on demonstration in our Extension Apiary.
The Kentucky 4-H Foundation launched their AG Mini Grants and Franklin County 4-H Agent was able to secure a matching grant thanks to the Franklin County 4-H Council. This grant secured 11 beehives and 6 bee suits for the club. 4-Hers were able to construct and assemble their own beehives as well as assist in swarm catching to start their very own hives.
In it's first year this new club completed enough activities, such as a honey tasting, candle making, hive construction and hive inspections to become certified as "Bee Ambassadors". The most exciting success of this club in the past year is in introducing beekeeping to youth who otherwise would not have any access to bees. One club member reported that she joined because he wanted to conquer her fear of bees by learning about them. Several youth were able to extract honey from their very own hives this year.
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