Success StoryFarm and Home Show Features on Mental Health
Farm and Home Show Features on Mental Health
Author: Laura Weddle
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - FCS
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In 2023, Laura Weddle, Extension Specialist for Farm Stress and Rural Mental Health recorded five episodes for the Farm and Home Show in collaboration with the Warren County Extension Office. The target audience for the Farm and Home show is South Central Kentucky. Specifically, the WBKO network encompasses sixteen counties in the southern region of Kentucky with approximately 15,000 households reached per episode. The Farm and Home Show airs at 5:15 AM and 7:15 AM weekday mornings, Monday through Friday. Each segment is worth $3,300 dollars in earned media value, totaling $858,000 annually for the Cooperative Extension Service. Average weekly viewership of the Farm and Home Show is 150,000 households. Once segments air, they are then uploaded to Facebook and YouTube, extending the viewership of Farm and Home episodes. Multi-streaming allows Extension agents, specialists, and community partners to expand their reach, multiply views, and grow their audience. Further, delivering segments on multiple platforms allows opportunity for global streaming.
The five episodes recorded by Ms. Weddle focused on mental health topics that were relatable and somewhat seasonal in nature. The topics presented include the following:
- National Depression Screening Day
- National Stress Awareness Day
- Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Things to Know about Non-Suicidal Self-Injury
- Therapeutic Pets
The five episodes had an approximate indirect reach of 75,000 upon initial airing with extended and increased viewership once uploaded to social media streaming channels. Each segment provided general information regarding the mental health-related topic, resources for more information, and how to receive immediate assistance in case of a mental health crisis or emergency.
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