Success Story2022 Red Crown Rot

2022 Red Crown Rot

Author: Kelsey Mehl

Planning Unit: Plant Pathology

Major Program: Grains

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Red crown rot of soybean was first found in Kentucky in 2021. As part of our efforts to see the effect this disease has on the soybean crop in Kentucky, I held a field day to show what red crown rot looks like in the field and to help see the spread of the disease in the state,. During the small field meeting, we had and agent and producers come to learn more about the disease. I was able to show in field examples and talk about how to help manage this new disease in the field. We were also able to discuss sending suspected samples to the Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab and to let Carl Bradley and I know if they found more disease to help map out where the disease is located within the state.