Success StoryMeeting Horticultural Needs
Meeting Horticultural Needs
Author: James Morgeson
Planning Unit: Washington County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Plan of Work: Increasing Agricultural Systems In Washington County
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Washington County residents have diverse interests and knowledge levels in horticulture. Each year the horticulture agent surveys participants, social media followers, and the public to meet the needs of most gardeners for a particular topic. This series class series is The Gardener’s Wheelbarrow Series. In the past programming year, there were 24 classes with participants choosing to attend the morning session or the evening session. Sessions were by far more popular in the mornings.
The topics for each year change as the needs of the community and their interests change. Some of the classes have fees to cover supplies and plant materials they take home to their gardens. Classes are all free to those that just want to attend for knowledge. Some recent program topics were African Plants in American Gardens, Easy Annuals from Seed for Cutting, Growing Strawberries and Rhubarb, Grapes, Calla Lilies, and Landscape Design Basics to just name a few. Most classes had a cap on how many could attend for plants but there was no limit on attending just for knowledge. This was because logistically plant material must be ordered in bulk in advance.
There were over 400 in-person attendees and over 50 that picked up the class information or had it mailed to them later. Other evaluation efforts were as follows:
100% stated they would attend future horticulture programs.
100% learned something new.
86% stated they have changed at least one gardening practice after learning new information.
54% have saved at least $50.00 because of the knowledge they gained attending classes.
A couple of quotes from participants: “These classes are always interesting, fun, and taught in a way that everyone learns, the informal nature is just plain amazing” “Every year I can’t wait to get my Gardeners Wheelbarrow Series Catalogue in January, I admit I have called in December to see when it will be sent to me” “I have met a lot of new people and many from other counties because they come to Washington County because of the great programs our Extension Service provides, like the Wheelbarrow Series”
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