Success StoryAge With Grace
Age With Grace
Author: Kayla Watts
Planning Unit: Powell County CES
Major Program: Keys to Embracing Aging
Plan of Work: Educating and Nurturing Healthy Lifestyles
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
According to US Census Data Quick-Facts, currently 16.3 % of the Breathitt County population is over the age of 65. Knowing that the population is aging, it is important that informational programming be provided on such topics, as well as, programming be provided on topics that are of heightened interest to those care-givers of the aging population.
Age with Grace: Keys to Embracing Aging was a 12-month program provided by FCS Extension Agent, Kayla Watts. The 12 Keys to Embracing Aging curriculum was used and each month participants gathered for a lesson related to aging. Topics such as: positive attitude, safety, tuning into the times, knowing health numbers, and healthy eating were all a part of the 12-month program.
Participation was a success as an average of 12 participants completed all 12 lessons. Each lesson was evaluated, as well as, a 30-day follow-up was completed about each lesson/topic. For example, during the Embracing Aging Safety lesson, participants indicated that they could improve their daily, safety practices, such as: leaving a light on at night, and always wearing a seat-belt. At the 30-day follow-up, half of the participants indicated they had implemented at least one safety-strategy since attending the safety lesson, indicating a behavior change.
Overall, over 80% of the participants indicated they had gained new knowledge about aging as a result of completing the 12-month class. Several also indicated that they had particular behavior changes due to the information/practice they received as a part of the class. One participant stated, “I am really trying to work on having a positive attitude about things since attending the Attitude is Everything Aging Class. I keep reminding myself of the things we discussed at that lesson to help me cope with life situations.”Aging is an inevitable part of living life.
Programs on Aging, such as, Age with Grace: Keys to Embracing Aging, are very important to communities whose population is largely comprised of older adults. The topics covered in this series of lessons was not only beneficial to those aging, but to those that are care-givers as well creating an even larger impact in the Breathitt County community.
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