Author: Colette Laurent
Planning Unit: Plant and Soil Sciences
Major Program: Grains
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
January of 2023 brought with it changes to both Commercial and Private Pesticide Applicator Programs. These programs have not undergone significant changes since 1978. Therefore, understanding the changes is important for many Kentucky growers when making management decisions. The Wheat Science Group and Grain Crops Group continue to offer educational information on these changes through newsletters and in person meetings. The 2023 Winter Wheat Meeting was one of those opportunities to present an informational talk. Survey results from the meeting indicated that over 50% of those that responded found this talk to be very beneficial. Efforts to inform stakeholders about the changes will continue through available outlets, such as printed materials and direct communication with applicators.
Describe the Issue or Situation. 40 years ago, farmers from Brazil visiting the University of Kentuc... Read More
Describe the Issue or Situation. The Kentucky Corn Growers C.O.R.E. Farmer Program aims to: deliver ... Read More