Success Story4-H Teen Leadership Academy
4-H Teen Leadership Academy
Author: Staci Thrasher
Planning Unit: Fleming County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: Developing Community Leaders
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
According to the National Alliance for Secondary education and Transition, youth who participate in organizational leadership roles, planning activities, making presentations, and participating in extra-curricular activities show higher levels of self- efficacy, self-advocacy, and self -determination. Each of these skills is linked to high student achievement and better post school outcomes. With this in mind, Fleming County offered the 4-H Teen Leadership Academy (TLA) to thirteen youth from Fleming County. The 4-H TLA was comprised of 4-H teens from six counties which included Fleming, Rowan, Menifee, Morgan, Elliott and Greenup Counties. There were 30 overall participants in the program that met once a month for a total of eight meetings. During the meetings teens learned leadership skills such as communication skills, teamwork, leadership styles, and leadership characteristics. They toured local manufacturing companies to learn how manufacturing affects the community. They toured Hinton Mills and Kentucky Welding Institute to learn about vocational trades, skills and training available in the area. They also toured Appalachian Wireless where the group learned about rural Kentucky internet, telephone and tv access and were afforded the opportunity to shoot an actual commercial that aired on local tv stations!
The capstone event of the 4-H Teen Leadership Academy was a tour of the Great American Ballpark in Cincinnati, OH. The group had the opportunity to tour the Stadium and learn more about the inner workings of running a Major League Ballpark. Red’s staff performed an educational activity with the 4-H Teen Leadership Academy participants to discuss MLB budgets and the importance developing a feeder system. Youth were then able to enjoy a Cincinnati Red’s game and experience the MLB atmosphere.
From their experience in the 4-H TLA teens reported they had gained and improved their leadership skills. A number of the youth have expressed sincere interest in continuing this program in the fall or, as graduates of the 2022-2023 program, provide assistance and insight in to improving the program for future participants.
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