Success StoryHook and Cook
Hook and Cook
Author: Jason Vaughn
Planning Unit: Powell County CES
Major Program: Wildlife Habitat and Damage Management Education
Plan of Work: Improve Individual and Family Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Hook and Cook
A 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Recreation found a 7% decrease in the number of anglers in Kentucky. In response to falling participation, The Department of Fish and Wildlife and the University of Kentucky Extension Service partnered to introduce more kids to fishing.
Department of Fish and Wildlife developed a curriculum that covered rules and regulations, the basics of fishing gear and setup, and identifying local fish. In addition, they provided fishing poles for kids to use. County Agents in Powell County delivered the material along with a lesson on preparing fresh fish. The group spent the afternoon fishing at a local pay lake.
Thirty Powell Countians attended the event, including fifteen youths and four volunteers.
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