Success StoryCamp Magic
Camp Magic
Author: Kelly Woods
Planning Unit: Oldham County CES
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: Life Skills Development
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Oldham County 4-H continues to break camp enrollment records with the number of campers, recruitment of new leaders and growth in club participation. In June 2023, 317 campers, 26 teen leaders and 55 adult leaders all experienced the MAGIC of camp. Camp enrollment included 50% of returning campers and 50 % were first time campers, with 79% of campers who were 4-H Club members this past year. Club members attended camp because of their participation in one of the 11 community clubs, 10 project clubs or 51 school clubs.
Comments from 4-H Camp Parents during the past year: “My daughter was much more positive when she returned home, her confidence increased through being away from home and on her own. The fact that it was such a positive experience pushed through the more positive attitude at home.” “My son became more comfortable with making new friends and learning new things he had never tried before. He also commented during camp week “These people were the best people he’s ever met!””
The camp program required an increased number of volunteer leaders. The 4-H Council provided $4100 for each volunteer to receive a $100 discount off their child’s camp fee which resulted in the recruitment of 22 new and 35 returning volunteer leaders. The Extension District Board funded the camp transportation cost totaling $17,000, and additional funding for class supplies. The 4-H Council, clubs, councils, and community organizations provided over $4900 for camper scholarships.
Cabela’s supported Oldham County 4-H with the donation of over eighty refurbished fishing poles which could not have come at a better time due to our budget constraints and need of new poles for a camp fishing class and the Adventure Club outings.
In the spirit of keeping the camp magic rolling, three camp leaders started the 4-H Adventure Club last fall, the club is up to 37 members. The club focuses on survivalist and outdoor activities. 4-H Camp is just the beginning of our members 4-H Journey, Oldham County 4-H strives to ensure our campers fully experience all 4-H has to offer, that is the true 4-H Magic!!!
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