Success StoryBeef Producers Benefit from Extension Programming
Beef Producers Benefit from Extension Programming
Author: Rebecca Konopka
Planning Unit: Carter County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Livestock and Forage Production and Marketing
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
According to the 2022 Ag Census there are over 10,000 head of cattle in Carter County, making beef cattle one of the largest agriculture commodities in the county. Over the past year, the Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent for Carter County reached beef producers via programs, newsletters, farm visits and personal communications. Programs included six Northeast Area Livestock Association meetings, Farm & Family Field Day, Beef Palpation Clinic, Eden Shale Farm Tour, and Beef Quality Care & Assurance trainings. The agent has provided research-based information and diagnostic services that address livestock health, nutrition, genetics, reproduction, facilities and handling, marketing, risk management, and leadership. A survey was conducted to determine the benefits of Extension to the Carter County beef producers. Of the 24 beef producers who responded to the survey,
50% improved genetics
33% practiced efficient reproduction techniques
58% demonstrated good animal health practices
75% adopted one or more best practices in forage production
58% improved or maintained farm management practices
45% improved equipment or facilities
16% increased profits, reduced expenses and/or reduced risk
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