Success Story4-H Soccer Camp: Kicking for goals
4-H Soccer Camp: Kicking for goals
Author: Brandon Darst
Planning Unit: Madison County CES
Major Program: Health
Plan of Work: Fostering Healthy Communities and Families
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
According to the Kentucky Health News report from 2022, Kentucky now ranks the highest for childhood obesity rates for children ages 10-17 in the Nation. Not a list Kentucky wants to be the top of and consequently the age group it listed fits right into the 4-H age group.
In an effort to get kids moving and exercising the CES 4-H Agent attended a 4-H Soccer Training the weekend COVID hit, so the idea of hosting any type of event would be placed on the back burner. However, the CES Agent was determined to bring this new idea back to the county to promote the sport but more importantly to promote health. The CES used the 4-H materials gained from the training and also used diverse lessons from 4-H Health and Spark to create a day camp that not only providing exercise but also included socialization and healthy eating to fuel the head, heart, health, hands.
The CES 4-H Agent promoted this event on social media by creatin flyer and sending it out to organizations that collaborate with CES over the years. Within the first couple of hours of marketing this new 4-H event, we were full. The CES 4-H Agent also decided to reach out to former 4-H campers who play soccer and ask if they needed community service hours and indeed they were looking to give back to the community; so this was a perfect opportunity for 4-H and the teen.
Of course, Kentucky weather is so unpredictable, so the CES 4-H Agent created a Plan B which included a local middle school gymnasium. The teen volunteer and the 4-H Agent met and came up with several soccer exercises and games for the youth to participate throughout the day. We also included breaks for water and small nutritional lessons about staying hydrated and eating protein to fuel the body while we exercise and learn about soccer. The program ran for the six educational hours and had 20 youth ages 9-15 participate.
The result was a fun, physical, and educational day for all the participants. All 20 participants said they would definitely come back if we hosted again. 80% of the participants had never played organized soccer before and as a result 60% said they would like to join the local soccer league this coming season. 100% of the participants said they would indeed drink more water and look forward to getting more exercise in their schedules.
The CES 4-H Agent will indeed host another soccer event and will recruit more teen leaders to come and teach with me. The teen you volunteered did a phenomenal job at teaching the kids and the 4-H Agent pressed the issue that they are a leader and a mentor now for these kids and he is looking to get more involved in coaching and potentially finding a degree in working with kids.
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