Success StoryFDA Opioid Roundtable
FDA Opioid Roundtable
Author: Alexander Elswick
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Substance Use Prevention and Recovery General
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The twin epidemic/pandemics of opioid overdose and COVID-19 collided in 2020. As a result, national overdose fatalities surged to more than 108,000 lives lost in 2021 (CDC, 2022). In that same year in Kentucky, there were 2,250 overdose fatalities, a 14.5% percent increase from the previous year (KY Office of Drug Control Policy, 2022). Notably, more than 70% of fatal overdoses in Kentucky involved the synthetic opioid fentanyl. In response in October 2022, FDA Commissioner Califf and his team visited the University of Kentucky to learn about our collaborative efforts to address fentanyl, in particular, and the opioid epidemic writ large.
The most significant university-based initiatives aimed at the opioid epidemic were represented at the roundtable: The Kentucky Opioid Response Effort (Dr. Marks), the HEALing Communities Study (Drs. Freeman, Lofwall, Slavova, and Young), and UK Extension (Drs. Elswick and Hunter). We took this opportunity to highlight the multidimensional, cross-disciplinary efforts of UK Extension Substance Use Prevention and Recovery including training and building capacity for addictions professionals and the general public (Addiction 101), school-based prevention efforts (Botvin LifeSkills, Strengthening Families 10-14, etc.) and asset building for people in recovery (Recovering Your Finances, Health Choices for Your Recovering Body, etc.). Furthermore, UK Extension was well-prepared to address the Commissioner's concerns related to rural health disparities. With the support of our team in graphic design, we provided the Commissioner with a graphic which demonstrates the incredible reach of these programs to all 120 Kentucky counties, including those rural communities who need them most.
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