Success Story4-H Camp Benefits Youth and Adults
4-H Camp Benefits Youth and Adults
Author: Julie Brown
Planning Unit: Warren County CES
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: Life Skill Development 2023
Outcome: Initial Outcome
A typical 5-day 4-H Camp session offers upwards of 96 hours of direct, uninterrupted contact between youth and their cabin leaders/counselors. That’s the equivalent of a family sitting down at the dinner table for 30-minutes, 192 days of the year. The interactions offered in a residential camp/group living setting is so important to youth. The time we spend with youth in the camp setting offers opportunities for those youth to feel a sense of belonging, to have meaningful conversations with caring adults, to practice generosity, group decision-making, they experience new activities they typically do not have access to at home, and they gain independence by taking on the responsibility in keeping track of their belongings and keeping to the camp schedule.
A camper parent who served as a camp volunteer for their first time this summer reached out to me to say “…It was our first time [at camp] and it blew away expectations. It was like something from a movie…the staff and counselors were kind, patient, and passionate…the class leaders had the awareness to identify kids who needed a little extra attention and created a wonderful environment for the kids to learn and have fun…this really made a difference and may have helped develop a hobby for life. Thank you so much for allowing me to experience this. I have had something missing since retiring as a firefighter and [camp] helped me to fill that void.”
Youth are eligible to attend residential summer camp as a participant for a span of 7 years, beginning at age 9. 16-year-olds can return as a counselor-in-training, with opportunities to observe adult cabin leaders, attend leadership workshops, assist with leading some camp classes, and provide behind the scenes support of their camp session programming. During the 2023 Program Year, 17,652 individuals participated in Kentucky 4-H Summer Camp at one of our four camp facilities. Warren County took its largest camping group to date with 189 total attending, this included 162 campers, 4 teen leaders, 21 adult leaders, and 2 extension agents.
The vision of Kentucky 4-H Camping is to serve the citizens of Kentucky and beyond by providing a safe environment for experiential learning opportunities. The mission of Kentucky 4-H Camping is to improve people through intentional life skill development. This will happen through: • collaboration with local,
state, and national partners, • research-based methods and programming, • service-oriented practices,
• long-term strategic planning, • and play.
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