Success StoryProducing Beef for the Consumer Program

Producing Beef for the Consumer Program

Author: Gregg Rentfrow

Planning Unit: Animal and Food Sciences

Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Beef producers can add value to their beef cattle by educating themselves and their consumers about beef products. This agent collaborated with Dr. Katie VanValin, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Food and Environment, Beef Cattle Specialist and Dr..Gregg Rentfrow, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Food and Environment, Meats Specialists to provide a program to help producers and consumers alike. The program entitled Producing Beef for the Consumer utilized class room presentations as well as visits to a local meat processing plant to educate program participants. Nineteen producers and consumers learned about "finishing" beef cattle, wholesale and retail meat cuts, meat quality grades, and how to cook the different retail cuts. Thirteen of the participants responded to a post program survey. The survey revealed that one hundred percent of the survey respondents said they were knowledgeable or very knowledgeable about where the different cuts of meat come from after attending this program. Eleven of the respondents said they were knowledgeable or very knowledgeable about food safety after participating in this program. One program participant commented "we should have this program every two years."  Another one told this agent that he had told friends about the program and they asked when it would be offered again. 

Dr. Katie VanValin, UK Beef Specialist discusses quality grades during the producing beef for the consumer program.


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