Success StoryAgritourism Special Event
Agritourism Special Event
Author: Andy Mills
Planning Unit: Meade County CES
Major Program: Agritourism Planning
Plan of Work: Community Forums, Built Environments, Great Pumpkin Pursuit
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The problem
For years now people in urban areas have been traveling through the country seeing agriculture throughout farm land and even visiting agritourism farms. In most cases people can see traditional farming just a few miles down the road which may not stimulate agriculture awareness as it’s needed. This ANR agent lobbied 5 years ago to bring a national competition to Meade County where giant fruit and vegetables are weighed for competition. This weigh off of giants now stimulates the interest of everyone in how to grow fruit and vegetables.
The educational program response
This ANR agent starts out in the winter months securing speakers from different experienced growers of nearly world record pumpkins and watermelons. In early spring, a meeting/training is held for anyone interested in learning how to grow giants. Seeds are given away to those wanting to try growing a pumpkin or watermelon. One on one farm visits can be scheduled for help with any problems that may arise and needs visual appraisal. At the event itself in the fall educational posters on pollination and growing are on display for anyone’s education. Also, growers are on stand by with their fruit to answer any questions.
The participants/target audience
Anyone interested in growing an agricultural product or just needs to learn about agriculture in general.
Other partners (if applicable)
This ANR agent collaborated with the KY Giant Pumpkin Growers Association as well as the Meade County Chamber of Commerce. Several other sponsors are secured in order to help with the logistics and heavy equipment needed for the event.
Program impact or participant response.
Besides the estimated $12,000 it brings into the community, the agritourism farm at which the event is held has triple attendance that day. At least 350 people watch the weighing of the pumpkins and watermelons. Every year new growers try their hand at trying to grow a giant pumpkin or watermelon and learn a little about agriculture. This is a globally sanctioned event. The Meade county weigh off boasts the largest watermelon weigh off in the world with the total number of watermelons and the number of very large watermelons.
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