Success StoryThe Development and Delivery of New Educational Materials and Programs
The Development and Delivery of New Educational Materials and Programs
Author: DJ Scully
Planning Unit: Campbell County CES
Major Program: Water and Soil Quality and Conservation
Plan of Work: Environmental Management - Environmental Awareness, Education, and Action
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Campbell County Extension Agent for Natural Resources and Environmental Management is focused on increasing composting opportunities to county residents based upon the data gathering from community needs assessments and advisory council meetings. On September 10, 2022, he taught 4 educational sessions about how to compost and provided free compost bins to 200 households. Since 2020, 800 Campbell County households have learned how to compost through the efforts of the Extension Service. The average household is diverting over 100 pounds of food waste and 25 gallons of yard waste from the landfill and is producing and using 30 gallons of compost yearly. Collectively, 80,000 pounds of food waste is being diverted from the landfill and recycled locally into compost annually.
The agent was successful in publishing an article titled “The Development of a Backyard Composting Project Through Community Engagement” in the Journal of Extension (Volume 61, Issue 1) in May 2023.
The Journal of Extension (JOE) is the flagship journal for Extension professionals. JOE expands and updates the research and knowledge base for U.S. Extension professionals and other outreach educators to improve their effectiveness and serves as a forum for emerging and contemporary issues affecting U.S. Extension education. Moreover, JOE provides a venue for professionals and students to publish original and applied research findings and to share successful educational applications, scholarly opinions, educational resources, and challenges on issues of critical importance to Extension educators.
Additionally, the agent has been published in UKnowledge through his community and economic development publication titled “Mobilizing Members, Volunteers, and Leaders in Community Organizations: Calling the Group to Action."
Uknowledge is a digital collection of unique scholarship created by University of Kentucky faculty, staff, students, departments, research centers, and administration. It captures, stores, organizes, and provides open stable worldwide access to UK’s intellectual capital. Members of UK’s academic community are encouraged to contribute their scholarship to UKnowledge.
As of the end of June 2023, these articles have been downloaded 1253 times by 23 institutions in 30 countries demonstrating the agent’s significant role in development and delivery of new educational materials and programs that are used beyond the agen's county.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment