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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryBath County Power of Produce Farmers' Market Program

Bath County Power of Produce Farmers' Market Program

Author: Terence Clemons

Planning Unit: Bath County CES

Major Program: Building Healthy Coalitions

Plan of Work: Active Living and Health Promotions

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

The problem

According to the Kentucky Kids Project report from 2016, 24.2 percent of youth in Bath County lived in food-insecure homes compared to 2020 report that states that number has dropped to 22.1 percent.  From CEDIK County Data Profiles, Bath County adult obesity rate is 38 percent, 2 percent higher than Kentucky average.   

The educational program response

In the fifth year of this program, it continues to produce significant results. Initially, the program focused on inviting children to the farmers market to participate in a taste testing kitchen, nutrition education lessons, physical activities, and a literacy program sponsored by the Bath County Memorial Library. From those beginnings in 2019, through COVID Guidelines, and expectations afterwards, this program has become a County Extension Programming staple, numerous regional and state awards for its efforts, and county/area families seeking the benefits to addressing needs of families.  Grants and donations attained through various sources like the Department of Agriculture, St. Claire Health Systems, and Elementary Youth Service Centers assure supplies and resources were attained to provide a well rounded program. 

The participants/target audience

The program is targeted toward youth Pre-K up to adulthood.  To participate it doesn't matter about ethnic background, socio-economic background, area of county residence, or gender.   

Other partners (if applicable)

Each session is led by two of the three County Agents - FCS, 4-H Youth Development, and/or Agriculture and Natural Resources. Each week the agents lead the main lesson on some aspect of fruits or vegetables or Taste Testing. The curriculum comes from the National Farmers Market Coalition.  The Family Resource Center Coordinator partners lead physical activity sessions with the children. Bath County Memorial Library's Book Mobile attends each session and brings books and other activities that focused on food, skills development, or arts/crafts.

Program impact or participant response.

Participants are able to earn up to six dollars each session. Up to this year, over $2,155 of vouchers have been distributed. We have had an estimate of 163 youth participate, before this year's sessions began.  Parents and participants were excited to visit the farmers market each week to purchase good from local vendors. Many parents state their children love to cook with the fruits and vegetables bought at the farmers market.  Through data kept, about 40 percent of the youth have attended at least 3 years of the program existence.  Youth from county/area organizations have attended like Mountain Comprehension Care, Home School, School Aged Child Care, and more.   

Stories by Terence Clemons

Extending 4-H Programming to Underserved Areas

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about 1 years ago by Terence Clemons

*The problemAbout 10 Years ago, Bath County Schools Administration, Parents, and Youth echoed statem... Read More

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