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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryBuzzing about Pollinators

Buzzing about Pollinators

Author: Jamie Dockery

Planning Unit: Fayette County CES

Major Program: Pollinators

Plan of Work: Green and Sustainable Living

Outcome: Initial Outcome

As climate change impacts increase many pollinator populations have been facing significant declines, posing a serious threat to global food security and biodiversity. To make Lexington residents more aware of pollinators and their vital role, the Fayette County horticulture program gathered numerous organizations with similar missions to plan and execute Lexington’s inaugural pollinator week. We coordinated our activites with National pollinator June 19th -26th. Cooperative Extension developed an online calendar to showcase all the events and activities in one place. Numerous meetings were held, and a kickoff event was planned at with LFUCG at McConnel Springs Park. The mayor declared the week Lexington pollinator week.

Over the course of the week partners from garden clubs, UK-LFUCG Arboretum, LFUCG parks, Rotary Club, Lexingotn Public Library, Kentucky Deppartment of Agriculture, UK entomology, and few very engaged citizens offered over 25 activities, classes, tours, and educational exhibits around town. Approximately 500 Lexington residents participated. Several hundred native milkweeds plants were purchased and distributed along with seed packets and other promotional items. Participants responded very favorably and we look forward to growing this event with our community partners in future years to help support our struggling pollinators.  

Stories by Jamie Dockery

Gardening program provides seniors a sense of community and health benefits

about 9 months ago by Jamie Dockery

There is a well documented link between gardening and physical and mental health. As our population ... Read More

Growing Community

about 10 months ago by Jamie Dockery

One of Lexingtons most diverse and economically disadvantaged populations lives in the Woodhill neig... Read More

Stories by Fayette County CES

Planning Ahead: Estate Planning and Financial Education Building Toolkit series

Planning Ahead: Estate Planning and Financial Education Building Toolkit series

about 8 months ago by Maranda Brooks

Research suggests that more than 50% of Americans think estate planning is important, but only 33% h... Read More

Take a Load off Laundry Workshop w/ MCV for SAFY and Voices of Hope

Take a Load off Laundry Workshop w/ MCV for SAFY and Voices of Hope

about 8 months ago by Maranda Brooks

The World Health Organization defines life skills as “the abilities for adaptive and positive behavi... Read More