Success StoryShelby County 4-H Camp has Positive Impact
Shelby County 4-H Camp has Positive Impact
Author: Regina Browning
Planning Unit: Shelby County CES
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: Youth Life Skill Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
According to the American Camping Association, camp provides the opportunity for children to discover and explore their interests, values, and talents. 4-H Camp is an exciting opportunity for youth to make new friends, build self-confidence, gain independence, strengthen problem-solving skills, and step out of their comfort zone. 4-H Camp is also an opportunity for adult volunteers to give back and have a sense of purpose by giving their time and talents to help young people thrive at camp.
The Shelby County 4-H Agents and staff recruited and brought 175 campers to Lake Cumberland 4-H Camp. Additionally, 24 Teen leaders and 12 Adult leaders were recruited and trained to attend camp. This was a record for attendance for Shelby County.
Youth were able to develop the important life skills that camp provides, while having a great time at camp. Camp can have a positive impact on campers. One adult leader shared one example:
“We had a camper from my cabin in Archery Class. He struggles with ADHD and he had a lot of ups and downs in our cabin. At the beginning of the week, he couldn’t pull the bow back. By the end, thanks to the instructor, he was one of the best out there. He even wanted to go home Wednesday night, but I brought up how great he was in Archery class. He immediately smiled and forgot about home, haha. The next day he hit his playing card on the archery range. The instructor even had the awareness to see this kid needed a little extra attention. So she gave him the only archery award at the end of camp. This probably made his year. Thanks to 4-H Camp this child may have developed a hobby for life and a good way to channel his ADHD energy. Camp made a difference in these kids’ lives.”
Volunteers also feel an impact from serving at 4-H Camp. One volunteer reported:
“I was nervous about coming because my injuries limit me alot and can cause alot of pain. But my teens took on so much responsibility that I trusted them so I could take breaks and pace myself. Thank you so much for your hard work. My son and I have talked about camp nonstop since yesterday. We are definitely hooked on 4-H. Thank you again for allowing me to get back involved with the community. It is something that has been missing from my life since I had to give up my career.”
4-H Camp has impact about youth and adults and for many it is the best week of the summer.
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