Success StoryChicken "Egg"stravaganza--Bringing embryology into the classroom
Chicken "Egg"stravaganza--Bringing embryology into the classroom
Author: Molly Jordan
Planning Unit: Bracken County CES
Major Program: Agriculture
Plan of Work: Youth Agriculture Education
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The springtime always reminds people of the beginning of new life. The landscape starts to wake up from a winter's nap. The study of chicken embryology is often a springtime event that is brought into classrooms. However, after a survey with teachers at Bracken County Schools and Augusta Independent schools it was evident that many weren't comfortable having an incubator in the classroom. The idea of chicken "egg"stravaganza was born! This program invovled both in classroom education and visits as well as virtual education. Each classroom was provided with an educational booklet that went along with the visit as well as the videos they would be receiving over the course of incubation. Every classroom had an initial visit from a chicken where we learned about the parts of the chicken as well as some other fun facts. The incubator was set up at the extension office and the process was all recorded and made into a YouTube video. Over the next 21 days the teachers received videos that discussed parts of the eggs, how to care for baby chicks, and the process of incubation. After completion of the incubation, teachers were surveyed. Teachers responded that the students were very engaged in the process and the booklets allowed them to grasp the concept and learned all about chickens and where eggs come from.
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