Success Story4-H Baking School
4-H Baking School
Author: Joni Phelps
Planning Unit: Livingston County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Encouraging youth to become skillful, productive, contributing members of our community.
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Baking combines elements of both an art and a science. It is accurate in addition to being intuitive. Baking requires only a few basic components, including flour, leavening agents, milk, salt, and other common pantry items. When put together, these components create something that is not only beautifully complicated but also extremely delectable. Each year, participants in the 4-H Program in Livingston County put in a lot of effort to prepare exhibits that they can bring to the state fair. The learning project has been bubbling along well. Participants in 4-H were able to experiment in the kitchen and pick up new skills thanks to the straightforward nature of the 4-H recipes and the impetus to perform well at the state level of competition. The students exhibited more growth with each passing year of competition, and the students conveyed their excitement about further developing the abilities that they had acquired via 4-H.
At the conclusion of the workshop, a total of ten participants filled out the evaluation. One hundred percent of individuals who responded to the study felt that they had a greater comprehension of the function that components perform in baking; 97% of respondents had a better understanding of the processes involved in manufacturing pie crusts, 94% had a better understanding of how to make a meringue, 80% had a better understanding of how to practice food safety when baking, and 97% had a better understanding of how to knead, roll, or shape dough. They intended to start with a blank slate and bake biscuits.
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