Success StoryHealth Rocks
Health Rocks
Author: Bernita Cheirs
Planning Unit: Fulton County CES
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health – 4-H Youth Development
Plan of Work: Enhancing Personal Development through Life Skills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Health Rocks curriculum is aimed at eight to sixteen year olds reducing tobacco, alcohol, and drug use. 4-H has worked for decades to help youth develop skill such as communicating with others, being responsible decision makers, and developing an internal strength to resist risky behaviors. The Health Rocks curricula is designed to use teen volunteer leaders for effectiveness. Thanks to a grant through the State 4-H Office for putting this issue at the forefront. The 4-H Agent contacted two school districts and had luck getting into the Fulton Independent Schools 6th grade health class in February 2023.
The teacher was excited about the information being presented as well as saw an immediate need for their students to have knowledge of the information because students were vaping and using drugs. The class proved to be tough and students not being receptive at first. Participation and their attention span was low. If time allowed, teen volunteers would have been more effective because they see people close to their age willing and choosing to be drug free. However, as time progressed students began to open up and participate in the class a lot more.
What was most effective in the class was the Facts and Assumptions activity and Legal and Illegal activity. Many class participants had the attitude and assumption that everyone vapes, smokes marijuana, etc. Remembering to reiterate each class session some facts and assumptions before we started a new lesson helped some of the students by the end be able to state a few facts.
Overall, sixteen 6th grade students were in the 6 week class. The Health teacher wants Health Rocks taught next school year because he enjoyed the class and he saw a few breakthroughs in his class with attitude. Being a small school system, having teens assist may be difficult because they assist with many other clubs but will definitely try to implement. An evaluation was completed and one of the comments said “I learned a lot from this. It was very helpful. I really liked it. I learned even if my friends do drugs and stuff, I don’t have to fit in if I don’t want to.”
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