Success StoryFECRT
Author: Mary McCarty
Planning Unit: Menifee County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Supporting Local Agriculture
Outcome: Initial Outcome
According to a 2018 KVMA article the resistance of internal parasites to chemical products to control the parasites in the Beef Herd may be on the rise. There has not been much change in the 3 classes of products that Beef Herds have to help with the control of internal parasites. Also, in that same time there hasn’t been a study to see how these products are currently working inside the Beef animal.
In the spring of 2023 MERCK Animal Health joined in partnership with University of KY and 4 other states to study the efficiency of anthelmintic products in Beef Animals. Fecal Egg County Reduction Kit were mailed to each county office that was participating. Identified farms received a IACUC form and filled out a MERCK form and a management form. The management form told researchers what methods they were using on their farm. In Menifee County 2 farms were identified one beef farm and one yak farm. 20 fecal samples were taken from each animal on day 0 and mailed to the lab. On day 14, 20 samples were collected out of the field and mailed to the lab. Results were received from each sampling. In the fall of 2023 this same system will be followed to see the difference.
The beef farm on day 0 had 65% of the beef cows infected with either stomach worms, cooperia, or tapeworms. The Yak farm on day 0 had 85% of Yak cows infected with stomach worms or cooperia. On day 14 the beef cows showed a great improvement with only 10% infected with either stomach worms or cooperia. The Yak farm on day 14 had 55% infected with stomach worms, nemotodirus, or cooperia. If the study shows that over all participating farms in the US would average 90% then the products are still functional. The study will also show what products are currently working in the United States Beef herds. After fall collection more information will be available.
Stories by Mary McCarty
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