Success StoryCommunications Program Grows In Menifee County
Communications Program Grows In Menifee County
Author: Mary McCarty
Planning Unit: Menifee County CES
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Plan of Work: Science Education
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Public speaking is a skill that is only mastered each time one practices in a public setting. Providing youth with the ability to enhance and develop communication skills are of great importance to Menifee County and to Kentucky. However, according to the Washington Post a public speaking is one of Americans biggest phobias. These statements are why Menifee County Central Elementary School and Menifee County 4-H have a long history with the 4-H Communications Program.
All 4th, 5th, and 7th graders participated in a public speaking contest. 4th graders and 5th graders gave speeches in a classroom setting and winners moved on to county, area, and two will compete at State Communications contest in July. 7th graders participated in the first ever Menifee County 4-H Science Fair. With participants choosing a partner and a topic. They had to present their project to a panel of judges and then present their presentation at family night as well.
5th grade students are required by their teachers, that their speeches be a persuasive speech. Topics range from “Why you should where Crocks” to “Why 5th graders deserve recess.” one 5th grade student chose a topic that had been presented by the Menifee County SNAP-Ed Assistant. The Snap Assistant used the curriculum form Exploring MyPlate with Professor Popcorn. The student gave her persuasive speech on why children should eat healthier and stay active. She had examples from MyPlate in her speech as well as facts about childhood obesity. Judges could tell that she had taken the information that the SNAP-Ed Assistant had taught and implemented in her life.
4-H Communications program is a great way to teach children that public speaking doesn’t have to be the scariest activity. The program also showed the Menifee County ANR/4-H agent that it can be used as an evaluation tool as well for past programs.
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