Success StoryTruth and Consequences the Choice is Yours
Truth and Consequences the Choice is Yours
Author: Linda Combs
Planning Unit: Knott County CES
Major Program: Truth and Consequences: The Choice is Yours
Plan of Work: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Knott county between 2012-2015 reported an overdose death rate of 48.65% per 100,000 people. Recovering drug addicts in local drug recovery programs are a huge part of the “Truth and Consequences: the Choice is Yours” Knott county program. The recovering addicts play the role of guardian for the students. As they escort the student through the scenario they explain what being an addict is really like, what it has cost them personally and what jail is really like. School officials strongly support the recovering addicts being a part of the program “they know the life, they are family members to many of the students”. There is a strong need for continued substance abuse prevention and intervention in Knott County. The number of diverted prescriptions and illegal drugs, overdoses, thefts, arrests, court cases, and medical/financial consequences of drug abuse continue to negatively impact a large number of families in the community. To address the variety of substance abuse issues impacting our community, the Knott County Cooperative Extension Service partnered with other local agencies to organize and offer Truth or Consequences. Truth or Consequences is an enrichment activity designed to show students the impact of getting involved with illicit and legal substances. This year the schools and the extension office partnered to bring a recommended guest speaker in for all high school students to hear. Based upon the format of the 4-H Reality Store, students role-played scenarios including possession of prescription drugs, driving under the influence, sniffing, possession of alcohol, drug paraphernalia, or illegal drugs, trafficking, stealing drugs, etc. Depending on the scenario, students visited appropriate officials and/or agencies to experience the consequences of their behavior. This year’s event was possible with a wide variety of community partners including: the local school district, Knott County drug court, city, state and local law enforcement agencies, local health professionals, mental and social agencies and Hickory Hills recovery center. Community volunteers served as “parents” to the youth and accompanied them as they visited the various agencies such as law enforcement, judges, school officials, health care personnel and a spent a term in jail. 145 9th grade students participated in Truth & Consequences: The Choice is Yours to learn more about the physical, legal, financial, and emotional consequences of substance abuse. Evaluation results revealed the following: 13% admitted to using and participating in some form of substance abuse activity. 90% of youth reported they developed a better understanding of the legal consequences of substance abuse. 80% of youth reported a better understanding of the health consequences of substance abuse. A continued need for parent education and support is evidenced by the fact that 67% had not talked to parents/caregivers about the dangers of substance abuse during the past 12 months. Student’s reported the guest speaker was life changing, his presentation of his material and the method he used was something they could relate to. School officials request that the Knott County extension office continue to offer this program.
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