Success StoryLearning to Grow Strawberries
Learning to Grow Strawberries
Author: Lorin Fawns
Planning Unit: Mason County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Plan of Work: Crop and Livestock Production
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Eating fresh fruit is a common problem not only among children but adults as well. Only 8% of adults meet the daily fruit intake recommendation. Fresh fruit can be costly and does not keep long-term; many times, fruit can go bad, and with increased prices, it can be difficult to keep fresh fruit on hand.The Mason County Extension Office provided educational classes to the public, including a class at the community center at the housing authority to ensure clients who did not have means of transportation had the ability to attend the program.
The program consisted of information about growing, insect & disease control, and harvesting of strawberries. Each participant received strawberry plants to start their own garden; participants at the community center received containers as they did not have access to a garden and planted the plants that were placed at their apartments. In addition, clients were able to sample multiple different recipes that are from Plan, Eat, Move that provided nutritional recipes with strawberries. Overall, clients started their own strawberry gardens that provided them with fresh berries that could be harvested in small amounts as they became ready.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment