Success StoryKentucky 4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Academy - Program Year 2023
Kentucky 4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Academy - Program Year 2023
Author: Ashley Osborne
Planning Unit: 4-H Central Operations
Major Program: Natural Resources
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Today’s youth spend less time outdoors than previous generations (Clemonts, 2004; Karsten, 2005; Carver et al., 2008) and are likely able to identify a Pokémon character more easily than a native plant or animal (Balmford et al., 2002). Every five years (since 1999) the Kentucky Environmental Education Council (KEEC) conducts a survey to assess Kentuckian’s environmental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. According to KEEC’s 2015-2020 Environmental Education Master Plan (2015), “…the average Kentuckian is able to answer correctly slightly more than half of the environmental knowledge questions included on the survey. This result leaves ample room for improvement”. The Kentucky 4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRESci) Academy strives to increase environmental literacy among youth in Kentucky. The Academy began in 2011 as a pilot program with 18 scholars from eight eastern counties. As of 2022, the Academy has grown to a statewide program with 56 members and ambassadors from 22 counties.
The main objectives of the Academy are that participants will
- Have a greater understanding of natural resources and environmental sciences in Kentucky,
- Develop life-long learning skills based on observation, evaluation, and action,
- Make connections between environmental sciences and career opportunities in the state.
The Academy meets quarterly each year. Members attend a three-day residential retreat at Feltner 4-H Camp in September and participate in three 1-day events held in winter, spring, and summer. At the retreat, 4-Hers engage in a variety of field exercises, including chemical, biological, and physical water quality assessment, tree identification, forest measurement data collection, wildlife observation and trapping, and insect collection and identification. During the 1-day events, participants visit natural areas throughout the Commonwealth, such as Salato Wildlife Education Center, Lost River Cave, and UK’s Robinson Forest. These events provide an opportunity for 4-Hers to interact with professionals in different areas of natural resources (e.g., wildlife biology, soil science, hydrology, forestry, entomology) and in different venues (e.g., research and educational forest, environmental education center, fish hatchery, cave system). In addition, second year participants are required to take part in a service project. Examples of projects youth participated in this year included trash cleanup, creating a pollinator garden, and assisting with creating a new hiking trail.
Members who graduate from the Academy in good standing can apply to be a NRESci Ambassador. The NRESci Ambassador Program is a 1-year commitment that provides graduates an opportunity to practice what they learned in the Academy while further developing leadership skills. NRESci Ambassadors attend the NRESci Fall Retreat, 4-H Teen Conference, and 4-H Teen Summit, at which they lead and/or assist with natural resources educational sessions.
The photos below were taken at the NRESci Spring Event at Maywoods Environmental and Educational Laboratory. 4-Hers participated in a variety of environmental education experiences including a stream study.
Balmford, Andrew, L. Clegg, T., and J. Taylor. (2002). Why Conservationists Should Heed Pokémon. The American Association for the Advancement of Science, 295 (5564): 2367.
Bone, G. (2017). Kentucky Coals Facts. Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet.
Carver, Alison, A. Timperio, and D. Crawford. (2008). Playing it safe: The influence of neighbourhood safety on children’s physical activity – A review. Health and Place, 14: 217-227.
Clemonts, Rhonda. (2004). An Investigation of the Status of Outdoor Play. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 5 (1): 68-80.
Karsten, Lia. (2005). It All Used to be Better? Different Generations on Continuity and Change in Urban Children’s Daily Use of Space. Children’s Geographies, 3 (3): 275–290.
Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KDFWR). (2013). Kentucky's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy. KDFWR.
Kentucky Division of Forestry (KDF). (2019). Forest Facts. KDF.
KEEC. (2015). 2015-2020 Environmental Education Master Plan. KEEC.
Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS). (2014). Water Factsheet. Kentucky Geological Survey.
National Park Service (NPS). (2020). Mammoth Cave: A Grand, Gloomy, and Peculiar Place. NPS.
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