Success StoryItalian Bruschetta Container Gardens
Italian Bruschetta Container Gardens
Author: Susan Fox
Planning Unit: Lyon County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Plan of Work: Home Horticulture
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Senior citizens and lower-income residents of the local housing authority can have fewer options for gardening due to limited space, mobility, and income issues. Both groups appreciate having programs offered at their locations. Planting sessions were held at the Lyon County Senior Citizens Center and the Lyon County Housing Authority. Italian Bruschetta Container Gardens were planted with dwarf tomatoes, dwarf sweet peppers, and basil.
The dwarf tomatoes, peppers, and basil were grown from seed at the Extension Office. The tomatoes are open-source varieties developed by volunteers as part of the Dwarf Tomato Project, a collaboration between New Zealand and US volunteers and others. These plants are better suited to containers because, although they are indeterminate, they only grow to about half the size of a normal indeterminate tomato plant. They are very stocky but still produce full-size, flavorful tomatoes. Annual flowers were also provided for color and fun.
The retired housing authority director enjoys gardening and drives the containers to the resident's homes using his golf cart. Participants enjoyed the camaraderie of the planting sessions and tasting the Kentucky Proud bruschetta recipe. One participant has said she is looking forward to making the recipe. Participants will have fresh tomatoes and peppers all summer. Assistance with disease and insect issues is provided as needed. Thirty people participated. Two dwarf tomato and pepper plants are in pots at the front door of the Senior Citizen's Center.
One of last year's Housing Authority participants had cherry tomatoes into October and proudly shared them with neighbors and with us at the Extension Office. Lyon County Master Gardeners have assisted with the program each year as well as a neighbor to the office with connections to the community.
A new line of full-size tomatoes, the RuBee series bred for 20 flavor characteristics and for disease resistance, were also grown from seed. These were given out at the two plantings and to others interested in trialing this new tomato series. Approximately 72 RuBee Pride, Dawn and Goddess tomato plants were distributed.
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