Success StoryMiddle Schoolers Build their Leadership Skills
Middle Schoolers Build their Leadership Skills
Author: Heather Coleman
Planning Unit: Floyd County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: Strengthening Extension and Community Leaders and Future Leaders
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
According to research, middle school is a time where young people find their place in this world, they are exploring where their strengths and interests align (Fagell. P.L., 2019). Therefore, it is impreative to provide positive experiences where young people may explore the world in a safe environment. Historically, there is a decline in enrollment numbers throughout the middle school years in 4-H programming, Kentucky 4-H hosts the Kentucky 4-H Summit Leadership Conference for middle schoolers (grades 6-8) in an effort to continue engagement.
At the Lake Cumberland 4-H Camp, the event hosted 156 middle schoolers and 35 teen leaders. 85% of the middle school youth completed the program evaluation. Through 4-H Summit programming, middle schoolers had the opportunity to create friendships with their peers and mentorships with older 4-Hers who served as their team leaders and taught their classes. Of those surveyed 99% of the middle schoolers reported feeling accepted by their team. 87% reported that they made a connection with their teen leader assigned to lead their small or cabin group.
As a result of participating in 4-H Summit, middle schoolers reported that they increased their leadership skills, improved teambuilding skills, and were able to contribute to their community. 90% felt they improved their leadership skills. 90.2% felt they were able to give back through the community service activity. 94% felt they improved their teambuilding skills. Floyd County had three male delegates this year. One 8th grade who was a second year participant and the other two where 6th and 7th grader. One participant had this to say about the program. “I really enjoyed going to Teen Summit. I had the loved getting to meet new people and building my leadership skills.”
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