Success Story"Is There A Reason To Be Concerned With What’s In My Soil"?
"Is There A Reason To Be Concerned With What’s In My Soil"?
Author: Phillip Long
Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES
Major Program: Community Engagement
Plan of Work: Promoting Sustainable Agriculture, Natural Resources and Urban Forestry
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Since we use these stories as a resource for multiple requests, don’t restrict Success Stories only to traditional Extension appointments and activities. Any accomplishments and efforts that are noteworthy may be included.
Many gardeners as well as non-gardeners have the perception that the soil they garden in and allow their children to have access to is safe and free of toxic contaminants. Even some horticulturists are reluctant to accept the fact that many residential and commercial soils in West and South Louisville are indeed contaminated with high enough lead levels that should be a cause for concern especially with children around.
Several residents have asked about the purpose of soil testing on vacant and abandoned land. The results give the resident/homeowner factual information to make a sound decision on home gardening and backyard plan grounds. Information from the University of Ky and other Land Grant Universities have publications that give a good introduction to how to mitigate the high levels of lead in the soil.
Louisville Metro’s Office of Housing and Community Engagement has partnered with the Jefferson County Extension office on addressing soil contaminant issues on vacant and abandoned lots in several neighborhoods in West and South Louisville. Many residents in several neighborhoods are interested in these vacant lots but would like to have more factual information and access to soil test results.
Several residents have been appreciative to have accurate information on to base a decision when wanting to buy or sell a home, develop a community garden or even develop green space and pollinator gardens in the neighborhood.
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