Success StoryBullitt County Plays Bingocize® for Exercise, nutrition and fall prevention
Bullitt County Plays Bingocize® for Exercise, nutrition and fall prevention
Author: Ruth Chowning
Planning Unit: Bullitt County CES
Major Program: Substance Use Prevention and Recovery General
Plan of Work: Active Living and Health Promotions, Aging
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Obesity and being overweight is a major issue the people in Bullitt County struggle with daily. Lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyles are the leading cause for this growing problem. Bingocize® was created by Dr. Jason Crandall, Co-Director/Co-Founder at the WKU Center for Applied Science in Health & Aging. He created the socially engaging group-based game that combines health education and exercise in the format of BINGO. Dr. Crandall and his research team have tested the program and demonstrated that over 90% of older adults who played two times a week for 10 weeks significantly improved physical, social and mental health.
To help Bullitt County residents learn and use health information focused on behavior related to exercise, the FCS Agent in Bullitt County taught the 10 week session of Bingocize® twice in a years time with a total of 24 participants. Of these participants, 18 completed a pre- and post-unit evaluation. 24 participants were White. They ranged in age from 67-84. 23 were female. The majority of participants live with a significant other.
In the 1st series participants learned information focused on behavior related to exercise. The FCS Agent in Bullitt County taught Bingocize® to 7 participants. Of these participants, 6 completed a pre- and post-unit evaluation. With the pre and post unit evaluations, 50 % of the participates reported their health moving in a positive direction by one category and 50% report their health staying the same in the categories of good and very good.
Prior to the program, 4 participants reported that they had “a little sad, down or uninterested’ in life. After the program, 1 participant reported feeling this way. Since the time the program began, only 1 participant reported a fall but the level of “fear of falling” decreased and she stated she gained confidence and strength.
Prior to the program, 75% of the participants reported seldom activity to moderate activity at least 3 times per week. After the program, 75% of the participants reported their physical activity had increased to moderate to vigorous activity at least 3 times a week.
As a result of this program, 100% of the participants reported:
- feeling more comfortable talking to health care providers about medications and other fall risk factors.
- feeling more comfortable talking to family and friends about falling
- feeling more comfortable increasing activity
All participants stated they would recommend this program to a friend or relative. One participant reported that this program gave her so much confidence she was starting a regular exercise program at a gym. Something she had never done before!
Falls are a serious matter and public health concern. They are the leading cause of injury-related emergency department visits among older adults. In addition to causing bruises, fractures and head injuries, falls can lead to loss of independence, institutionalization and even death. While aging does not cause falls, older adults are at greater risk for falling as vision, muscle mass, balance, coordination, and reaction time deteriorate. Some medications and health conditions or diseases may also increase the risk for falling. In the 2nd series participants learned information focused on behavior related to nutrition and fall prevention.
Participants enjoyed Bingocize® due to the fun factor and the ability to successfully do the exercises in the program. They stated that even when they did not think they were benefiting from the program, they experienced things that helped them realize how much it was helping. Two individual with severe arthritis exclaimed how they could not twist the caps off a bottle of water before the program, but now they could. Another individual who has mobility issues reported being able to walk a crossed a room without her rollator- something she had not been able to do in 5-7 years! In the week following the nutrition lesson on fiber, one participant reported back that she had tracked her fiber and was astounded at how little fiber she ate. She reported making changes to her diet to improve her fiber intake.
A valuable program, the participants reported the following ways in which Bingocize® was helpful:
100% were more comfortable talking to their health care provider about medications and other risks for falls
95% were already talking to friends and family about what they were learning.
100% felt more comfortable increasing their activity.
84% had made safety 1-5 modification to their home to reduce their risk of falling.
100% The would recommend this program to a friend or relative.
At the end of the program they asked what other physical activity program were going to be offered and was the agent going to lead it? They wanted to sign up that day.
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