Success StoryPositive Effects of 4-H Camp Extend Throughout the Community
Positive Effects of 4-H Camp Extend Throughout the Community
Author: David Embrey
Planning Unit: Edmonson County CES
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: 4-H Youth Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
A longitudinal study of 4-H by Tufts University revealed young people involved in 4-H programs have a consistently higher level of positive youth development, contributions to their community, and increased life skills. “The results of this longitudinal study continually reinforce the idea that when youth participate in programs such as 4-H, they thrive in numerous ways including health, positive development, and community contribution,” said Dr. Richard Lerner. “The comparisons we’ve made between 4-H youth and other young people highlight the considerable strengths and health of the young men and young women participating in 4-H around the country” (Source: National 4-H Council).
The 2022 4-H Camping season was a record year for Edmonson County. We took more campers than ever before in a year that the office was very short staffed. For many of the campers, this is the only time away for home they get all year, their vacation for the summer, and for some, the only time they get very much positive reinforcement from adults.
One young man was quite the handful while at camp and adult volunteers and agents had several counseling sessions with him. He is the youngest of four in a family that struggles to make ends meet, no mother in the house, only his adoptive father trying to pay the bills and raise the kids.
As we geared up to sign kids up for camp in 2023, Teachers and school counselors at the young man’s school made a point to let us know that they noticed a marked improvement in his behavior at school and wanted to make sure that he would be able to attend camp again this year. Thanks to generous donations and the Edmonson County Extension District Board, camp costs were kept low enough to allow him to sign up to go and enjoy another week of fun and positive development at 4-H Camp. Knowing that we can make a positive difference in even just one child’s life makes the work and stress of camping season worth it.
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