Success StoryDollars and Sense
Dollars and Sense
Author: Madalyn Hale
Planning Unit: Clark County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Targeting Life Skills and Family Lives
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Each year the 6th grade students at Baker Intermediate School in Winchester, KY participate in the 4-H Dollars and Sense Program. This program includes a pre-lesson and a hands-on activity where the youth learn about the difference in wants and needs, making financial decisions, budgeting basics, and more. In previous years, the teachers have been tasked with presenting the pre-lesson to their classes at some point before the program. This year, I asked if 4-H could do the pre-lesson with the youth to ensure that they all get the same information, and to make sure that any questions the youth have about the program are answered as well. Over the course of 3 days, I visited 15 classrooms and conducted the lesson with all of the 6th graders in the county. On March 29th and 30th we conducted the Dollars and Sense Program with over 20 volunteers each day to work the stations that the youth visit. The youth participants were able to use pretend money to understand using cash as well as keep a register of the money in their account. Youth made decisions on purchasing needs versus wants, saving money, and how to interact during a purchase. Nearly 400 students participated in this event!
Stories by Madalyn Hale
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4-H Virtual Experience
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Stories by Clark County CES

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