Success Story4-H Capital Experience
4-H Capital Experience
Author: Patrick Allen
Planning Unit: 4-H Central Operations
Major Program: Civic Engagement
Plan of Work: Basic Life Skills for Youth and Adults in Scott County
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In a 2016 survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, one in four youth were unable to name the three branches of government. In addition, in July 2018 the Kentucky Revised Statute (KRS) 158.141 stated a student must pass a civics test at a rate of 60% or higher, composed of 100 questions to graduate from a public high school with a regular diploma. To address this need, Kentucky 4-H Capitol Experience was established with the objectives of:
- Developing a positive relationship between elected officials, 4-H members, 4-H Agents, and 4-H volunteer leaders.
- Increasing the knowledge of civics and state government in Kentucky 4-H participants.
- Increasing the knowledge of 4-H Youth Development programs to state elected officials.
- Increasing a sense of responsibility in Kentucky 4-H members to take an active role in local and state government.
Over 300 Kentucky 4-H Youth and extension personnel attended the 2023 Kentucky 4-H Capitol Experience event. Of the 4-H members participating in the event; (a) 41% had an interest (spark) in learning about state government processes, (b) 31% now understand the importance of being an informed citizen, (c) 28% of youth participating plan to register to vote as soon as they are eligible, and (d) 21% want to learn more about state and local government or run for office in their 4-H club.
After attending 4-H Capitol Experience a Woodford County 4-H Member stated, “It was really cool getting to meet (my state representatives) and getting to sit in a House of Representatives meeting! I didn't know most of what I know now. After going to the capital, I want to help (my representative) change some of the Veterinary laws he was talking about yesterday or even create my own bill!”
Scott County had 11 youth participate in this year’s Capital Experience. These youth are all looking to expand their 4-H Achievement portfolio and so they wanted to add this experience to their application. All the youth reported they enjoyed meeting their county representatives and learning what they do on a regular basis. They also reported learning something new as well as meeting someone new. They all reported they would like to attend again next year
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