Success StoryAgriculture & Natural Resources in the Classroom
Agriculture & Natural Resources in the Classroom
Author: Alissa Ackerman
Planning Unit: Clay County CES
Major Program: Natural Resources
Plan of Work: Sustaining Our Natural Resources
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
According to Kentucky by the Numbers, Clay County has roughly 233 farms and approximately 305 producers. A large majority of the county is heavily wooded, approximately 61, 000 acres, which falls within the Redbird Purchase Unit of the Daniel Boone National Forest. The county also provides many scenic views with wildlife, plants, streams and mountains.
When meeting with members of the Clay County Extension Council and program area councils, educating youth about agriculture and natural resources was identified as a top need in the county. The 4-H Agent collaborated with teachers, local Family Resource Centers, and local farmers to provide more hands-on learning experiences and agriculture and natural resource education for students. This was implemented in seven schools, including two private schools, approximately 363 students in the 4th, 5th & 6th grades received 4-H lessons related to wildlife, soil, plants and completed a windowsill gardening project. Each lesson provided educational background about the topic, and each student participated in a hands-on activity. Youth also had the opportunity to learn about transplanting tomato plants, proper care, harvest tips, and sampled canned salsa from a local farmer.
Post evaluation results revealed:
96% demonstrated a skill that was learned or improved by participating in 4-H natural resource programming
93% reported being able to identify basic parts of a plant and seed
97% reported feeling more confident completing gardening projects in the future
98% reported having a better understanding of where food comes from
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Stories by Clay County CES

New 4-H Rabbit Club Boosts Confidence
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4-H Farming Program
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment