Success StoryHomemakers learn the Elements and Principles of Art
Homemakers learn the Elements and Principles of Art
Author: Cabrina Buckman
Planning Unit: Washington County CES
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Plan of Work: Increasing life skills education and leadership excellence for youth and families
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The elements and principles of art are the basic visual or tactile components of the art we view or create. How these interact impact our conscious or subconscious perception of what we are viewing. Understanding these elements (line, shape, form, space, texture, value, and color) and principles (unity, variety, proportion, balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, rhythm, and pattern) can guide an artist during the creative process or help a viewer objectively evaluate the finished product.
To increase participants’ knowledge on the “elements and principles of art,” the Washington County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent taught a Homemaker lesson in various counties throughout the Lincoln Trail Area. Evaluations placed educational emphasis on three things:
- Understanding of the ELEMENTS of art,
- Understanding of the PRINCIPLES of art, and
- Understanding of how these two concepts work together to create art that is or is not visually pleasing.
Twenty-nine total participants attended the lessons. Following the presentation, 93% of respondents reported an increase in their level of understanding of the ELEMENTS of art; 93% reported an increase in their level of understanding of the PRINCIPLES of art; and 86% reported an increase in their level of understanding how these two concepts work together to create art that is or is not visually pleasing.
Of those who responded, 93% indicated they plan to think about the ELEMENTS and PRINCIPLES of art the next time they view or evaluate a work of art or a craft. And 93% of respondents plan to think about the ELEMENTS and PRINCIPLES of art the next time they create a work of art or a craft
As a result of the program, one participant noted "After years in the design field, I have forgotten to apply them to my current arts and crafts. It was a great refresher!" Another participant said "I'm planning a trip to the Art Museum with my Granddaughters, I will take this information with us on our visit."
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