Success StoryReality Store
Reality Store
Author: Stephen Conrad
Planning Unit: Boone County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: 4-H Family and Consumer Sciences
Outcome: Initial Outcome
As a society we have not been very successful in teaching our youth the value of money or passing along the concept of "saving for a rainy day". Because of this, most of our students don’t know how to make financial decisions necessary to survive. Our school systems recognize this trend but has little or no time to spend on money management due to core content obligations. To help them with this need, The Boone County Cooperative Extension Service held a Reality Store at seven middle schools and one elementary schools. App. 1300 fifth, seventh, and eighth grade students received a taste of the real world and financial management. Students were assigned an occupation, monthly income, and family situation (married/single/divorced, children, smoker/non, and low/high risk driver). The students were then given the task of making necessary purchases and payments associated with living for a month in the "real" world. For many, this was this first encounter with living on a budget and seeing the hidden costs (insurance, utilities, taxes, etc.) that adults must deal with every day. At the end of the program a written evaluation was given to all students. 94% said they learned a lot about how much it cost to maintain a household, 53% said they would definitely seek education beyond high school, and 64% said they would start saving money.
Stories by Stephen Conrad
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Basic Economics
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Stories by Boone County CES

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Crafting for Self-Care
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Stories by Family and Consumer Science

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Babysitting Clinic
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