Success Story2023 AI School
2023 AI School
Author: Lindsay Arthur
Planning Unit: Bourbon County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Agriculture Education, Marketing, Production and Natural Resources
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Artificial Insemination (AI) is the process of placing semen directly into the uterus. While the process has many advantages, it can be difficult for smaller producers to afford and schedule individuals employed by large companies to come to their farm and complete the process of AI'ing their cattle. Producers can take certification classes held by the large semen companies to learn AI techniques but with the average cost of $450, it does not always fit in their budget.
To solve this problem, UKY Beef Reproductive Specialist Dr. Les Anderson agreed to conduct an AI School for local participants from Bourbon and Clark Counties. 17 participants completed the 1 day course that consisted of the following:
- Insemination technique: developed through live animal practice, the ability to skillfully and accurately place semen at the proper location within the reproductive tract using sanitary and correct techniques.
- Semen handling: developed through hands on practice, the ability to properly handle, thaw and prepare semen for insemination, according to the recommendations of semen-producing organizations.
- Reproductive management: training in the importance of heat detection, herd health, and total herd management for the development and continued success of an AI program.
The participants ranged from a 16 year old female looking to expand her seedstock operation by improved genetics only available through AI sires to a third generation farmer wanting to reduce costs by not keeping several bulls year-round. Each individual indicated they would take the skills and knowledge learned during the class back to their operation for implementation.
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2023 AI School
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