Success StorySanta's Sleigh Supports Flood Survivors
Santa's Sleigh Supports Flood Survivors
Author: Lorie Adams
Planning Unit: Knott County CES
Major Program: Flood Relief & Recovery
Plan of Work: Healthy Families and Communities
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In July 2022, Knott County was hit by a devastating 1000 year flood. 140 homes were declared a total loss and many others were damaged. Many families also lost personal property such as cars and farming equipment. Five months after the flood hit, many families were still living in government provided campers, Others were still recovering from damage to their own homes and loss of property. The holidays were here and that brought new worries for how they would celebrate with limited funds. This time was also challenging as it added to the mental health issues our county was experiencing.
Pendleton County Extension Volunteers, who have adopted our county, decided it was time to come back and help these flood survivors through the holidays. Knott County Extension made a list of families who we were working with and that we felt needed extra help. We collected family wish lists that were sent to Pendleton County Extension. They were able to get individuals and local businesses to sponsor individual families by providing gifts for each family. They were also able to provide a fun evening that included a catered holiday dinner, elves to entertain the children, a family picture, some crafts for all to make and just an evening to enjoy and leave flooding issues aside for a night.
As a result of this event, 24 families were given a Santa bag of gifts to make the holidays a little brighter and easier. The Santa bags, catered holiday meal, and craft supplies were valued at $36,100 that were brought into our county. The event also had 825 volunteer hours that are valued at $24,708.75. The families attending this event came with their spirits down. When families left after spending many hours at the event, they reported being happier and ready for the holidays. One parent said, "I don't have to worry about my kids being happy on Christmas morning now and that's a huge weight off my shoulders."
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment